iPad and noise.io

Jonny Stutters EMAIL HIDDEN
Thu Jan 28 10:41:42 CET 2010

On 28 Jan 2010, at 07:39, Jay Vaughan <jayv at synth.net> wrote:

> Wow, I think noise.io is going to be a very, very nice thing to run on
> the iPad .. anyone else excited by the prospect of having a large
> multitouch screen for synth apps now?  I am.

I'd be thrilled if:
a) this had any kind of standard interfacing to external hardware
(just one USB host port would do).
b) it was possible to run interpreted code on it so that someone could
port the supercollider language (or something similar) to it.

I find that I have very little interest in running other people's
synths at the moment and learning objective-C and DSP in C isn't a
hurdle I'm willing to jump right now.

If Martin's right about products like this appearing that aren't so
locked down then, yeah, synthesis with a 10" touchscreen interface
could very well rock.


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