Ubuntu studio audio problem
The Dong
Tue Jan 26 20:31:57 CET 2010
Tom Adam wrote:
> I think it was 4,2ms. I'll confirm when I find the time to get into my
> studio...
I just installed the real time kernel in L. Mint and followed a few
Ubuntu based threads on how to set priorities, Audio User Group, blah,
but am not seeing any improvement in latency.
I do find trying to configure Linux audio is a p1ss poor experience.
Needless to say, I have managed to completely hang the OS quite a few
times before giving up for the moment. When it did work, it was still in
20 ms territory. In Windows, I can safely use about 5ms, which is
generally OK.
Plus there's the problem with the MOTU XT parallel port version not
working with Linux at all. Oh well.
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