Fwd: [LAA] Guitar-ZyX LiveOS [nds & x86] v0.4.1 released
Jay Vaughan
Sat Jan 23 09:56:49 CET 2010
Fascinating, brilliant approach to appliance-ification:
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Douglas McClendon <dmc.laa at filteredperception.org>
> Date: January 22, 2010 4:00:10 AM GMT+01:00
> To: linux-audio-announce at lists.linuxaudio.org
> Subject: [LAA] Guitar-ZyX LiveOS [nds & x86] v0.4.1 released
> Announcing the release of Guitar-ZyX-0.4.1 LiveOS [nds & x86]
> =====================================================================
> About
> -----
> Guitar-ZyX(tm) is a LiveDVD/USB operating system distribution, that
> can immediately boot both your Nintendo(tm)-DS, and your x86/64 PC,
> into a guitar pre-amp f/x processing appliance, complete with
> wireless dual screen touchpad remote control. You can even velcro
> or embed the NDS in your guitar if so inclined. In addition to
> switching among 77+ different f/x presets, the NDS remote control's
> touchscreen can also linearly control any two of about a hundred
> independent f/x parameters in real-time. I.e. a very cost effective
> TouchScreenWhammyPad.
> Guitar-ZyX-0.4.1 uses the excellent Rakarrack open source guitar-f/x
> software to provide effects. Guitar-ZyX-0.4.1 is derived from
> Fedora(tm)-11 and has compatable full access to the upstream software
> repositories including updates.
> Guitar-ZyX is entirely free and open source software, with all source
> available, for both the PC and NDS components. All necessary
> compilers and build tools are also included, allowing anyone to
> modify and enhance in any way their imagination and code-fu skills
> allow.
> =====================================================================
> Information
> -----------
> Guitar-ZyX is currently an *alpha* release. NO WARRANTY. Use at
> your own risk. Interested alpha-testers are encouraged to provide
> feedback on what works, and what still needs to be improved.
> For information on many other features, and the best current
> documentation, please review the latest release notes, available here
> filteredperception.org/smiley/projects/guitarzyx/relnotes/index.html
> or visit the main project page
> http://filteredperception.org/smiley/projects/guitarzyx
> =====================================================================
> What's New In Guitar-ZyX-0.4.1
> ------------------------------
> Guitar-ZyX-0.4.1 is primarily a major upstream rebasing release.
> That is, now f11 based. But there are many enhancments to
> 'sidestream' projects. Here are the details-
> Guitar-ZyX MCP ::
> Version 0.2* of the MCP now includes a main menu system. This allows
> access to the filesystem in order to launch other applications such
> as DSOrganize, and dozens of ZyXdevSuite examples. Browsing visible
> SSIDs is now supported, and many more menu accessible features are
> just around the corner. There is now a command to download and
> execute updated MCP code via wifi, vastly easing development.
> Rakarrack-0.4.0.dmc ::
> The latest prerelease CVS sources including the fruits of my new cvs
> write access are included. Josep Andreu has made many bugfixes and
> improvements, including new skinnability and font scaling. Ryan
> Billing has added new DSP modules, which I'll eventually understand
> enough to properly explain. And my Global Wet/Dry is now an upstream
> feature with a slider even(FX%). And more presets from all of us.
> Rolling Echo is kind of interesting, while Tricky Dick is just an
> homage to a crook.
> Breaking News: rakarrack-0.4.2 with midi-learn was released the same
> day as Guitar-ZyX-0.4.1. An update will be available at some point,
> though compiling from source should be trivial for anyone interested.
> Guitar-ZyX JaMode ::
> The big sledgehammer session initiation scripts have been vastly
> improved. Now, when you select one of the JaMode commands from the
> ZyX submenu of the mainmenu, they will execute much more quickly, as
> well as utilizing an aesthetic splash screen with progressbar during
> the transition. There is one to launch a recording session, one to
> launch a practice (non-recording) session, and one to return to the
> normal desktop audio system.
> desmume-0.9.5 ::
> Every aspect of the MCP can now me developed and tested via
> emulation, except sadly wifi/networking. But still, that is a vast
> improvement over the bugs that were interfering with input handling
> in prior versions while in a 3D mode. Sound works, virtual cflash
> fatfs of the current directory sortof works, scaling the window, ....
> (recording movies still seems broken though)
> ZyX-LiveInstaller-0.2.2 ::
> The same enhancements and bugfixes that led to its availability in
> the official Blueberry release of SugarOnAStick, are now included
> in Guitar-ZyX as well. Many bugfixes, thanks to a much broader
> range of testing.
> VirOS and *ZyX ::
> Enhancements have been made to VirOS which make it robust and
> possible to build across major ancestor releases. Also, many other
> things, particularly in the traits, have been massively cleaned up,
> though probably as much cleanup remains to be done. Time will tell
> if this facilitates a much more rapid rebasing against f12. Note,
> that it will still be another release or two before integration with
> the relatively new upstream bootsplash is done. This is because f12
> introduces a major rewrite of the initramfs infrastructure.
> qemu-0.11.1 ::
> /usr/local/bin/qemu is based on upstream sources, with kqemu support
> intact, which on my laptop yields a greater than 100% speedup even
> with linux kernel 2.6 for both the guest and host.
> Games ::
> Standard gnome-games like freecell/solitaire, and chess are
> available. Frozen Bubble is also included - a much better rip off
> than the one I coded partially in assembly more than a decade ago
> for a CoE project. And most importantly, PokerTH is now available
> for all of your open source online texas holdem needs.
> ...
> peace...
> -dmc
> =====================================================================
> "Be Seeing You..." -6
> =====================================================================
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Fedora and Nintendo are protected trademarks, whose holders in no way
> endorse or support this software. Guitar-ZyX, G-ZyX, CloudSession,
> and VirOS are also protected trademarks, and may only be used in the
> redistribution of unmodified versions of free and open source
> software that already includes them.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
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> Linux-audio-announce at lists.linuxaudio.org
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Jay Vaughan
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