installing Max for Live

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Wed Jan 20 18:04:42 CET 2010

James R. Coplin schreef:
> Great!  Now all I have to do is make a random note generator and I don't
> even need to bother to show up!  Better yet, I'll put together a power trio
> of three laptops each with a random note generator running through this
> quantizer.  Now if I could only make an audience plugin then we could just
> send our laptops to the show and not be bothered at all.  
> I'm increasingly distressed how automation has replaced communication under
> the guise of the democratization of art.  I mean really, a scale is 5 notes
> at best, typically 8, and 12 at worst (in the most of the world at least).
> Is this really so difficult?  Am I the only crusty one here he sees this as
> so much paint by numbers?

For a moment I was just thinking the same. But I am also seeing 
new possibilities for composition, and that's my main interest at 
the moment.

On the other hand - imagine no-one playing false notes anymore at 
music-bar jams. I could have definitely used this thing while 
recording that "Trip to Mars" song at M at stock!!!!

hehehe ;-)



G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
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