Ubuntu studio audio problem

Peter Korsten EMAIL HIDDEN
Mon Jan 18 19:31:58 CET 2010

Op 18-1-2010 19:24, Jay Vaughan schreef:

>> Heck, even in a living room, it's an issue. I'm looking at how I can
>> make this computer a bit quieter.
> boot from a usb stick!

There's a 250 GB Seagate Barracuda, which is not particularly loud. It 
should be replaced with an SSD disc at some point in the future. Then 
there's a 1.5 TB Seagate Barracuda LP, which should consume less power 
and generate less heat and noise.

But the culprits are the two cases fans, possibly the CPU fan (huge 
round copper affair) and the cooling of the video card.

- Peter

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