Spectrum Analyzer - Recommendations?

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Wed Jan 6 22:28:03 CET 2010

punkdISCO schreef:
> Hi all
> I know they are not very sexy but, does anyone have any recommendations for
> a VST analyzer?  Ideally free or very cheap..  Something with a freeze would
> be nice, allowing me to play a reference track, freeze the spectrum then try
> to match it.
> I actually very surprised Ableton Live does not come with one as you would
> think they would be classed as a bread and butter pluggin, much live a
> bundled reverb or delay..

Actually, Ableton does have a Spectrum analyzer. Check Audio 
Effects > Spectrum.

There ya go! :-)



G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
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