Oh, bugger! SSD DRIVES!

Jonny Stutters EMAIL HIDDEN
Sun Jan 3 18:09:01 CET 2010

2010/1/3 Tony Scharf <noisetheorem at gmail.com>:
> Have SSDs come down in price sufficiently?  I could definitely see use
> for one of these in my netbook or even in my MPC.  Doesnt the OS need
> to be optimized to make proper use of SSD?  I was under the impression
> that this was still an issue, even with Windows 7 and Snow Leopard (I
> could be wrong).

"Sufficiently" is a bit of an open ended idea.  They're still a lot
more per GB than magnetic disks (liquid state disks?), the 80 and
120GB models are within the realms of what I'd call reasonably priced
now, although neither of those would be big enough for my purposes.
If you're putting one in a desktop as a system drive (with a big
spinning disk for data) or you don't care about not carrying most of
your data on your laptop then that mightn't be an issue so for a
netbook or MPC that might be ok.  I'd have thought the netbook might
be bottlenecked elsewhere though.

On optimisation: there doesn't seem to be any question that a
reasonable SSD will leave a spinning disk for dust even without OS
tweaks.  When SSDs see wider adoption I suspect that there'll be quite
a lot of scope for performance improvement once the assumptions about
e.g. what needs to be cached go out the window.


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