
Jonny Stutters EMAIL HIDDEN
Fri Feb 26 11:16:42 CET 2010

On 25 February 2010 17:24, Tony Hardie-Bick <tony at entity.net> wrote:
> Jonny - my first cursory look at all the (huge number of) filters for
> supercollider suggests I may have to port some (very simple) code, at some point.
> Yeah - there's a "Moog" filter. Have yet to see anything that will save me from c++.

It'd be excellent to have access to some of your filters in SC.  Faust
can produce SuperCollider UGens (http://faust.grame.fr/) so you could
try that.  Alternatively, send me a bit of code over and I'll have a
look at wrapping it in a UGen, it's about time I gave something back
to the community.

> In most respects, I think sc is just the most blazingly brilliant piece of synth
> engineering.
> Also vaguely wondering if one could up the spec of the whole thing to double
> precision.

No idea but there are people on either the SC-dev or SC-users list
that will know:


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