"We have always been at war with WikiLeaks."

Peter Korsten EMAIL HIDDEN
Fri Dec 17 00:16:20 CET 2010

Op 16-12-2010 22:19, The Dong schreef:

> Self reliance? The oil and gas won't last forever.

No no, they actually cannot use those centrifuges for the nuclear power 
stations they say they have planned. The only alternative is for nuclear 

> No country needs permission for nuclear energy, like some errant child.
> As soon as Iran drops its own production, sure enough the supply will be
> sanctioned as soon as an excuse lands to do so and it will all have been
> a waste of money and time as the old nuclear power stations crumble into
> disrepair and Iran exports it's last oil and gas to raise money for
> weapons to fight off the invaders, or food to feed the hungry, whatever.

Iran is well known to want to become a regional power. The best way is 
by military supremacy, because it has preciously few friends (as the 
WikiLeaks documents show). And the cheapest way for military supremacy 
is nuclear weapons. The likely result would be an arms race with the 
other regional players, such as Saudi Arabia and, of course, Israel.

Do we really want a theocratic dictatorship, which harshly suppresses 
the kind of free exchange of ideas that you and I are having, to end up 
with nuclear weapons? There's already one country too many in the Middle 
East that has nuclear weapons.

Having said that, I think nuclear weapons are highly overrated. They are 
a relatively cheap way to blow up a lot of things at once, but the 
practical use is limited. Still, the world would be better off without them.

> As far as creating a nuclear deterrent.
> Iran really, really needs a nuclear deterrent.
> Otherwise it is very likely to be bombed back to the stone age in some
> completely unnecessary rage-riddled drive of madness over something
> immeasurable.

It's already in the stone age. It amputates the hands and feet of 
thieves, it stones women accused of adultery, it violently suppresses 
any dissent. It's a country run by ultra-conservative clerics, for 
crying out loud.

- Peter

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