I've got myself a Yamaha SU700....

Peter Korsten EMAIL HIDDEN
Wed Dec 15 19:36:26 CET 2010

Op 15-12-2010 16:19, Chris Strellis schreef:

> It's got plenty of limitations but then that's what might make it fun
> and creative. It's not max memory and no SCSI but I can still load
> sounds in via floppy. I swear by the almighty Tepis I won't produce any
> Hippity Hoppity music on it :D

Get SCSI and memory, if you can find it. SCSI is usually scraped from an 
old A3000 and sold together with a ZIP drive, so to dump the ZIP drive. 
Although you might be lucky and run into one, but Ebay prices can still 
go up if some people are interested (and they usually are).

On the EX5, loading the full 64 MB of memory takes 40 minutes. Yes, 
that's MINUTES. And floppy is slower. I think that if you are limited to 
only floppy, it will get annoying very quickly.

Having said that, I've never used an SU700, and the SCSI implementation 
is rumoured to be improved over the disastrous EX5. It looks like a nice 
box to me.

- Peter

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