Please recommend: free recording software on Mac

Fri Aug 13 09:13:46 CEST 2010

On 12.08.2010 23:18, Peter Korsten wrote:
>> So the current plan is to use my TC Goldchannel as Mic-Preamp and A/D
>> converter and feed its S/PDIF optical output to a recent Apple laptop
>> that has an optical digital input (I can borrow it from a friend for the
>> day). I think the hardware side should be sorted that way.
> Can't you just run Windows on it and use your own software? It's a
> recent model, after all.

Good point, although I don't really own any "lightweight" recording 
software. Installing Windows (and finding all the right drivers...) and 
such a software would again be a bit overkill, also given that I've used 
OSX long enough to feel perfectly comfortable even under stress situations.

Until something much better comes up, it's going to be Audacity. It 
already passed a two hours stress-test.


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