Music from last week's gig

Jonny Stutters EMAIL HIDDEN
Wed Apr 21 13:50:54 CEST 2010

On 21 April 2010 11:21, Gert van Santen <g.vansanten at> wrote:
> I appreciate the fact that you are finding new ways of working.
> For now, I am not completely overthrown by the musical result,
> but I definitely liked listening to it, and there are some really
> good parts.
> Thanks for sharing all this with us :-)

Cheers Gert.  I'm more than happy with it being a generally enjoyable
listen with some good parts.  If I could turn out something
overthrowing every time then I'd be giving up my day job ;).  Main
thing is that the new setup has made performing fun and challenging in
a way that I wasn't finding it when I was playing stuff that I'd
written in advance.


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