Mastering / editing challenge

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Fri Apr 16 11:23:10 CEST 2010


As you might know, I'm doing quite a bit of voice-over recording 
/ mastering / chopping these days. Quite often, I'll have to 
process audio coming in from "voice talents" with their own "studio".

Now I've got a French girl here with a nice voice, who somehow 
always succeeds in getting her "rrr" and "ggg" sounds recorded 
too loud. (listen to att, the word "trois").

Would there be any solution to get rid of this without 
deteriorating the rest of the audio?
I could of course edit every single sound separately, but that 
takes too much time...

I already tried all kinds of denoising, compression, gates, EQ 
etc. but I couldn't get it done...

any ideas?



G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
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