Tangerine Dream Royal Albert Hall London April 1st (no joke!)

Chris Strellis EMAIL HIDDEN
Thu Apr 8 16:43:25 CEST 2010

I went on my annual pilgrimage to pay homage to these guys last week.

The Royal Albert Hall is an excellent venue.  The bands performance was
generally OK if a little lack lustre.  They use two large LCD screens
with Arturia's Moog Modular showing but there's generally no
correspondence between what's on the screen and the sounds coming out.

They utilise a guitarist who generally goes into plank spanking
overdrive (predictably).  There are also two girls.  One plays flute and
saxophone (sheesh!) and the other plays a variety of percussion (bongos
- really!) which sometimes seems in step with what I can hear.

A great gig overall with a good trawl through their 40 year musical
history although they seemed to have succumbed over the recent years to
a fair chunk of playback.

Here's my take on the concert:





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