I promise I'll get rid of the sig
Peter Korsten
Wed Apr 7 23:01:04 CEST 2010
Op 7-4-2010 22:30, Andrew Tarpinian schreef:
> I like this analogy because everyone now has a fridge and thinks nothing
> of it. Though one can say that a fridge is essential to your survival,
> preserving food. And when it first came out it made sense to people
> right off the bat, there was a need. Can we say the iPad fills a need to
> get non computer people up and running, and that will benefit us all?
Andrew, reality check here. A fridge is *not* essential to our survival,
just as cars or even houses are not essential to our survival. It makes
our lives more convenient, and allows us to go out of the house to work,
and not find rotten food on our return. But humanity has survived for
tens or hundreds of millennia without fridges.
The same goes for the iPad, really. People don't want to have to think.
For them, the iPad is ideal.
People like Tony want to be able to install a custom cooling system in
their fridge, or install a new OS on their TV, and for them, the iPad is
not ideal. ;)
> Are grumbles about it just us being old men who recall how many miles we
> had to walk in the snow to get to school? Or how our computer screens
> used to be green and black? :)
Nothing wrong with a green-and-black screen. As for the snow, yeah, cars
do have their advantages. :)
> I love this video
> http://mashable.com/2010/04/06/2-year-old-girl-uses-ipad/
Very cute indeed, but as the YouTube comments point out, she's used the
device and an iPhone before. Still, it's a testament to Apple's
commitment to usability.
- Peter
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