I promise I'll get rid of the sig

Sat Apr 3 18:35:40 CEST 2010

Ron West wrote:
> After I send this one message. :-)
> Sent from my iPad

I think the closer you are to the front of this queue, the closer you 
are to wearing long sleeved, white jackets with no handsies ;)


OK if you are a professional camper, camping for charity, otherwise why 
bother wasting so much time waiting outside a shop. Duh.

Yes. I'd like one.
But never that desperately. I could wait a few days to have one 
delivered or for the next batch. As things turn out, these mad rushes 
are nothing more than publicity, 'cos you can still buy the products easily.
It's rather sad, really.
To think, none of these people survived at all before the iPad (or the 
previous or next 'big' thing)
It's like they've all fallen for some good old mass brain-washing that 
only works on the retarded portion of the populous. That would be about 
80% of humans, 90% male.

See through the BS and all you have is yet another tablet PC.
Apple claim it's new and revolutionary.
I say, it's old, very old, older than Microsoft or Apple claim.
Maybe it will work, this time round.


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