New track

Mon Sep 21 20:19:29 CEST 2009

Mikael Hansson wrote:
>> I've tried to implement your advices but I'm not sure if I'm doing it 
>> right.
>> Added to this is newly recorded vocals by Mathias, much clearer and 
>> articulate.
>> Also a shorter intro and a bit of fx in the end.

Definitely an improvement. I'd still apply a bit more de-essing and 
might play a bit more with EQ around the mids, but it's really 
fine-tuning at this stage.

The only thing that's left is Tony's comment regarding sounding a bit 
synthetic. Listening to the track tonight, I did get the feeling it was 
a bit "stiff". I'm wondering if playing a bit with tiny timing 
variations and also some more volume fader riding might make it more 
"organic"? Maybe modulate some filter settings, so that it's just barely 
noticeable? Or maybe just leave it as a great track and move on to the 


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