New track

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Sun Sep 20 02:19:05 CEST 2009

Mikael Hansson schreef:
> It's called "Tubes of Colors" and it contains me on instruments and my 
> friend Mathias on vocals
> <>
> Not much effort put into mixing yet so comments and suggestions are as 
> usual very welcome.

There doesn't seem to be anything you produce that I don't like. 
Great track!

Like Joost, I wasn't impressed by the first 40 seconds, but after 
the 4th listen, I think it's beautiful, and it just fits.
The first break with the kick/piano/strings seems to be a bit too 
early to break down the whole song, since it only just started. 
Personally I think this break should happen only once in the 
song, somewhere at 70 %.

Please release that album now so I can put it on my iPhone...





G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
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