Saving sounds of Korg MS 20

K9 Kai Niggemann EMAIL HIDDEN
Wed Sep 9 16:15:44 CEST 2009


does anyone have (or know of) a template for the MS-20 where you can  
pencil in your soundsettings?

I'd love to simply take pictures, but the iphone 3G's camera is such a  
disgrace that I can't reproduce anything by taking a picture.

I was thinking of writing a max patch that mirrors the panel and lets  
you save and name the sounds you make -- but that will be a while  
until I can. And paper is much nicer, I'd rather not use a computer  
for the task I'm working on (a live soundtrack for a play on German  
writer Rolf Dieter Brinkmann)

thanks for any pointers!


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