Is everyone sick?

Wed Oct 28 17:04:57 CET 2009

>> I wonder if anyone will ever write a driver to revitalize the AMT8?
> That was Jay's suggestion. Not quite sure I want to invest the time -
> after all, I have some more interesting projects on the plate that are
> in need of finishing for ages now...

the thing is martin, the midi driver scene for windows should be, by  
now, like this: just grok the driver template from demo code, drop in  
some knowledge about the hardware obtained from a quick read of the  
linux sources, compile it, bundle it, test it.  if i had a properly  
configured win_BLAH machine and its so-called developer tools (i  
don't, btw, or i'd be an expert on it), and if Microsoft had the  
driver support everyone says they do, this bit of cut 'n paste coding  
should take, max, an evening of work .. ?

i mean that of course without any malicious inflammatory intent, but  
if its not like that for windows driver development by now, on  
windows, then its still crap.  putting new hardware on linux, if the  
hardware is really good hardware, regardless of the branding, is very  

a question: can you boot that system with a linux boot CD, like  
pure:dyne, and use the interface?

maybe your next jam session needs to involve ditching your windows  
world, and having a quick look at what linux thinks about all your  
music hardware ..

Jay Vaughan

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