Driver question

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Mon Oct 5 19:56:19 CEST 2009

Jonny Stutters schreef:
> Hi Gert,
> 2009/10/5 Gert van Santen <g.vansanten at>:
>> I am having quite a bit of problems with my new (3 months old)
>> PC/Vista computer.
>> One of them: I sort of accidentally de-installed the so-called
>> Adaptec AIC-7870 PCI SCSI controller (emulated).
>> I did that because there was a yellow exclamation mark, and I had
>> already done all other things I could think of. I hate those
>> yellow exclamation marks.
> I'm guessing you haven't got any SCSI devices? 


> It might have been
> related to virtualisation if you're running something like vmware.  If
> it was me I'd probably have left it alone 

Hehe, yeah. I should have done that. I was just like a little kid 
in the candy store. Mum says don't touch, but I just couldn't 
help myself... ;-)

but if nothing seems to have
> broken then I wouldn't worry too much.

I guess that might be the wisest thing to do.

Thanks guys (Tom & Dong too.... Hmm, "Tom 'n Dong Too" that 
sounds like some weird Asian name ;-).



G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
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