
Wed Nov 18 01:40:28 CET 2009

Some quick thoughts

1. Increase the padding on #content... maybe 1.4em or more.

       White Space is key. See?

2. Line height is too tight in all body copy. 1.6 or more
3. Margins on #content h2:  1.5em, 0, 0.5em, 0
4  Increase top Margin on the readmore div to separate it from content. 2em
5  Consider colored links!
6 Put dummy content in ad sidebar for review purposes. (At 160px, that's 
the standard "Skyscraper")
7. The light green of the tab rollover doesn't match the light green of 
8. The currently selected tab at the top has black on darker green: the 
contrast is too low here. Use the light green?
9  Date text too big? 0.6em
10 Background is boring in gray. How about a gradient?

Mikael Hansson wrote:
> This is a mockupsite for a newspaper that I'm supposed to do for the 
> webdevelopment course I'm currently attending
> http://deadmengods.com/webideas/inl2/front.html
> The task is to make a single static page with the components that's 
> present at my page. I nicked the article and the ads.
> Any suggestions/comments from the webwizards here?
> /Micke
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