Nice Knobs

Jonny Stutters EMAIL HIDDEN
Wed Nov 11 11:16:14 CET 2009

2009/11/11 Matt Picone <matman at>:
> Hello -barians
> I'm designing knobs for a new audio software application.
> What are some of your favorites? Why?

I'm not going to pick on any particular examples.  I think you'll
probably find that for every knob system there are a group of people
who religiously believe that their way is the one true path to
rotational goodness.  The main things that occur to me are:
- Don't make 'em fiddly to click on
- Make sure that gross and fine movement are possible
- Stepped selector knobs can often be implemented better with buttons
- No faux hardware graphics
- Make the most of being on a computer - provide lots of graphical
feedback (e.g. Tony's example of the knobs in Massive showing
modulation ranges.


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