Damaging the source code

Sun Nov 1 16:20:59 CET 2009

On Nov 1, 2009, at 2:00 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:

> On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 7:35 AM,  <perry7 at mac.com> wrote:
>> what worries me is that often when Xcode is compiling/linking/ 
>> running in the
>> background and
>> a compile error arrises or a breakpoint is hit, the application  
>> (Xcode that
>> is) becomes
>> the frontmost application and takes focus from my keyboard.
> ...
>> is there a workaround?
> How did you get it to do that in the first place? For me, it just
> bounces the dock icon a couple of times.

yep you are right, this switching occurs when Xcode stops at a  
(compile errors go fine)

> I just verified that while typing this email. I introduced a
> deliberate error in one file, and started a build. When it hit the
> error, it bounced the dock icon. I switched back over, undid the typo,
> and hit build again. When it finished the build, it bounced the dock
> icon.
> sherm--
> -- 
> Cocoa programming in Perl: http://camelbones.sourceforge.net

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