Headphone recommendations?

Peter Korsten EMAIL HIDDEN
Mon Mar 30 18:05:47 CEST 2009

Martin Naef schreef:

> I think one of the main qualities of the HD25 is that they are *not* 
> sociable - I also use a pair at work when I want to have peace and 
> quiet. Whether that works in your case, that's up to you.

No, it wouldn't work. It's just to listen to MP3 files and play games. 
There's a certain Dutch saying about a flag and a mud barge, which Gert 
no doubt will be happy to translate. :)

I think I'll be looking at a pair of Sony or Sennheiser in the up to €50 
to €70 department, pretty much as Gert suggested. Everything else is 
overkill, I think, because of the mediocre quality of the components 
(sound card on mainboard, Logitech speakers) in between.

- Peter

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