garden update :)

Wed Jul 29 19:38:22 CEST 2009

Joost Schuttelaar wrote:
> So who's growing stuff? 

I planted lots of tomatoes in pots and planters, Tiny Tim and Black Krim.
They aren't doing too bad, with some flowers now appearing, but did 
suffer a short cold spell earlier on and the last two weeks have been 
very cold and wet which has slowed growth again. Really shitty weather.

I've also got some celery, celeriac and broccoli in a plot, slowed 
growth again and I've been too ill to tend and the broccoli has been 
decimated by butterflies unfortunately.

Ah well.
Maybe next year will be better weather than 24 hour rain and thunder 
storms throughout July and plummeting temperatures...
Plants need to see the sun too...

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