Happy Birthday GERT !

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Thu Jan 29 12:34:12 CET 2009

Hi Romain,

Romain / rXg schreef:
> Gert,
> I m sorry to hear this bad news :( ,


> I didn t know that Wave World recorded their stuff in Enschede 

Well, until now we didn't. But Harry just finished his new studio 
with rehearsal room including bedrooms, then went to Canada for 
three months, and now the studio has been flooded. So again we 
weren't able to "christen" the studio...

( next
> time you come here just give me a call :P) ...

Sure! We could use a tea guy (hehehe...)

> Ps: If you need help to move stuff or to clean just let me know :) 

That is very nice of you, but Harry has already saved most of the 
gear and stored it in another part of his house. Now it's just 
some small safety stuff before he will be leaving for Canada again...

> Cheers for the 3 of you !


> Nb: I can t wait for the next album ;)

Neither can we. Rolf and I are going to work on it this afternoon 
in Wageningen...



G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
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