Excitement! Pandora prototype video ..

Wed Jan 28 10:37:43 CET 2009

As some of you know, I've been a very avid fan of the work being done
on the Pandora gaming console - its an open (as in anyone can program
for it) hand-held console being developed by a community that formed
around the GP2X and GP32 consoles - a very exciting project, because
its being done by a group of handheld/homebrew hackers with the spirit
of creating hardware that they really like.  Akin to some of the
synth-diy stuff thats happened over the years.

Anyway, the project is moving along, and today a video was posted of
the final prototype case design, which had to be physically assembled
to check for defects before it goes into product.  Here is the video:


Whats so great about this console?  Well, the capabilities are
tremendous - it has a very nice processor which can give a *lot* of
performance for a handheld, in that its an ARM Cortex A8 derivative
that can be clocked to 1Ghz.  It has 3D graphics acceleration, *Plus*
an onboard DSP which can be tasked for all kinds of things.

The reason I'm so excited is that this is the sort of platform I've
had in mind for a few years, and attempted to get a certain synth mfr
interested in manufacturing .. but now its being done by a homebrew
community with a lot more success!  So as soon as I have one (I've
ordered mine already) I will be focusing pretty exclusively on
developing software for it .. music software, of course .. I'd really
like to put the DSP to use to make some form of interesting synthesis
engine, and of course the 3D graphics, touchscreen and general
interface mechanics of the Pandora should make for some nice options
in the 'new interface for music performance' arena.

Watch this space - as soon as I get a Pandora in my hands, I'll let
you guys know .. and not long after that, the launch of w1xer as a
software source for this awesome little console, too .. ;)

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