new tv...?

Tue Jan 13 20:38:19 CET 2009

Gert van Santen wrote:
> Kristin and I are thinking of perhaps buying one of those new big 
> flatscreen televisions.
> Any recommendations? Is 100 Hz important?

Depending on how you use it and if you have a free wall, I would also 
consider a projector. For "background TV", the running costs are too 
high (new lamp every couple 1000h), but nothing beats them for watching 
movies in the evening. I just got our own 1080p projector for less than 
1000 Euro plus a PS3 to drive it, and the picture looks absolutely 
stunning (yes, size matters). Obviously, Blu-Ray films are breath- 
taking, but even upscaled DVDs look positively awesome. Still, no TV in 
our house, and the three weeks with the family in Switzerland (with TV) 
only reinforced my earlier conclusion that our personal couch-potato 
desires are much better served with a DVD rental service...


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