using plugins (compressor) DURING recording in Logic
Gert van Santen
Tue Feb 24 15:49:12 CET 2009
Hi Tony,
Thanks for your reply :-)
Tony Scharf schreef:
> On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 4:43 AM, Gert van Santen <g.vansanten at> wrote:
>> Guys,
>> 1. is it possible to insert a compressor in an audio track in
>> Logic, and record your instrument or voice INCLUDING the effect
>> of the compressor?
> I dont know the specifics of logic, but I know this has to be
> possible. Every DAW I have used has a feature for this.
>> 2. Also: is it true that when using a compressor or limiter this
>> way, it won't protect you from clipping, since the
>> compression/limiting is happening after the AD-conversion?
> This is true. If you clip the AD you have hit the max before the
> signal even reaches the DAW. Its for this reason I usually record
> vocals through a hardware compressor/vocal channel.
> Why are you changing your method if the old method works?
Actually, after thinking this through, I don't think I will
change my method.
I was just checking out some options for a recording session I
will be doing in some weeks - I'll have to go to the band's
rehearsal room to do the recording. I do have two or three
hardware compressors that will do the job, but I also have some
nice soft compressors, so I was wondering if this would help me
in any way. But since the most important reason for using
compression during recording is preventing clipping, it would be
useles to insert a compressor after the A/D converter.
Guess I'll be using hardware, as usual, then :-)
G e r t v a n S a n t e n
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