using plugins (compressor) DURING recording in Logic

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Tue Feb 24 12:27:21 CET 2009

Hi Marc,

Thanks for your reaction :-)

M-.-n schreef:
> Gert van Santen a écrit :
>> 1. is it possible to insert a compressor in an audio track in 
>> Logic, and record your instrument or voice INCLUDING the effect 
>> of the compressor?
> You could always record it as is and then bounce it to an effected 
> track. In a way it leaves you more freedom right ?

True. But what I would like to do, is insert a software 
compressor to maximize the amount of signal, minimize noise and 
prevent clipping.

>> 2. Also: is it true that when using a compressor or limiter this 
>> way, it won't protect you from clipping, since the 
>> compression/limiting is happening after the AD-conversion?
> It certainly won't cope for any overload prior to getting in the logic 
> environment. So I'd say it's true, but you just have to get a signal 
> that isn't too 'hot'
> Let us know the developments !

Yep. In the 80's I was doing work for some "New Wave/punk band". 
They are playing again and want to record a CD. They asked me to 
do the recordings (as I did in the 80's - but then on 2 tracks 
and a home made mixer)

I am thinking of using my Core2Duo Macbook with my fireface 800 
for recording. Just checking out the options at the moment.

Does anyone want to share some tips with me?


G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
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