I think the winter is over.

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Sun Feb 22 14:59:53 CET 2009

Sjaak de Vos schreef:
> Did this last night.
> http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=805498&content=music
> First track, Tight Ennuf
> Wonder about the sound, maybe a bit to dark/dull.
> And can't decide if it's tight enough.
> I feel i could do a bit better.
> And the additional guitar lines are a bit sloppy also perhaps - I feel I 
> could gain win there also or something.
> But I like the sound bla bla.

Very nice atmosphere! Needs a bit of development, though, bla 
bla... ;-)

I hear some booming in the bass (or lower guitar area), but you 
could get rid of that with mixing/mastering.



G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
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