Question Audio Editor MacOSX

K9 Kai Niggemann EMAIL HIDDEN
Mon Feb 9 12:35:00 CET 2009

it's part of Logic Studio. That's not such an expensive bundle  
(compared to Final Cut Studio, anyway..) In Germany, at Musik  
Produktiv you can get it for something like 380 EUR (and that's the  
bundle, not an upgrade!) (disclosure: I recommend this, because a good friend  
works there, but also since the price is lower than "hot-deal"-maker's)

I usually just use Logic for Audio editing -- there just isn't another  
program that allows me to work so fast and efficient. It has more to  
do with me using Logic since 1993, though than that Logic would be  
extremely better than anything else...

hope this helps,

On 9. Feb 09, at 11:02 , Gert van Santen wrote:

> Just read about Apple Soundtrack Pro 2. Seems like a very cool
> prog. It also seems to be part of an expensive bundle, though...

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