Guitar effects

K9 Kai Niggemann EMAIL HIDDEN
Tue Feb 3 18:14:22 CET 2009

On 3. Feb 09, at 15:58 , Matt Picone wrote:

> for the original or the v2 for much less money. Through an amp, you
> won't hear the difference!

I think the Pod v2 sounds a bit dead -- through the Pod's output with  
amp and speaker simulation, though. Also, I feel like there is just a  
tiny bit of latency that makes it feel less natural to play. I was  
surprised how much more natural it felt to play my bass through my old  
cabinet after a long time of only jamming with the Pod.

That's why I'd recommend using analog pedals. They do what suits a  
guitar best. make some noise, add some grit and generally make things  
more lively...


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