Happy Birthday GERT !

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Mon Feb 2 10:24:33 CET 2009

Bill Fox schreef:
> Gert van Santen wrote:
>> It was a strange day.
> On Gonxa?   ;-)
>> I was going to Enschede With Rolf and Harry 
>> (who has his studio in Enschede) to work on the new Wave World 
>> Album, which is supposed to be a double DVD.
> Must also do CDs or at least send CDRs to us radio folks.
>> Yesterday he phoned me that the studio was flooded and part of 
>> the roof and floor were damaged, 3 synths were also damaged, plus 
>> one loudspeaker, and it would be impossible to do any work there.
> Ouch!  Sorry to hear that.
>> So we ended up at a Chinese restaurant for a meet and afterwards 
>> a couple of drinks at my place.
> That sound very good.
>> Harry, who lives in Canada now, is visiting NL for a week.
> Where in Canada?  I wonder how close we are...

He's traveling all over the place, but he has a house in King 
City, Ontario...


G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
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