Something new...

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Fri Dec 4 18:02:37 CET 2009

Hey, Declan!

Declan Gorman schreef:
> Hey all,
>   It's been a while and I have been lurking but here's what's been going 
> on since I last emailed the -bar. :-)
>   Still out of work but by choice.  I decided to take some time away out 
> and enjoy life. So far so good... :-)

Great idea. If you can find a way to do it - awesome! I tried 
this 2 years ago. I had saved some money to be able to 
concentrate on music and photography for 3 months. The very first 
day I started, there was a very unexpected "blue envelope" on my 
doormat (read Tax Department), and I had to get new work asap. 
That was a bad year...

>   Went on holiday to New York and Iceland.  New York was great but 
> Iceland was amazing.  I brought my daughter and while it wasn't her 
> ideal holiday, it's was cold and wet, she enjoyed herself citing the 
> Blue Lagoon as the highlight.  The photos are only on Facebook 
> <> at the moment.

Nice pics. Bit like Scandinavia...

>   I'm playing my first live gig in thirteen years this coming saturday 
> December 5.  It's a local venue and I'm using it as the official launch 
> of my E.P. 'The Rising' <>.
>   I will record the set and post it for you guys to listen to next week 
> some time.  I'm really excited about it and have been practicing like 
> crazy to prepare myself. :-)
>   Click here 
> <> 
> for more details.

I'm impressed, Declan! Especially the production/sound is great. 
What gear/software did you use? Did you do your own mastering?

>   I have a new (WIP) track online.  It's a deep tech house track which 
> is currently untitled and I am planning on adding some vocals in the 
> very near future.  Check it out on Soundcloud 
> <>.

Nice one. You're definitely finding your own style... :-)
I really like those sort of 80's pads and lines you put in your 
tracks. It gives them something special.

>   I attended the Mcguire Program 
> <> in November for my stammer 
> which is probably something that you guys didn't know about me.  It was 
> a very intense four day course and I am currently on the road to 
> recovery. :-)


Good luck with the gig, and I'm looking forward to hear how it 
went :-)



G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
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