
Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Thu Aug 27 09:56:32 CEST 2009

Gorman, Declan schreef:
> Hi Jay,
>> i know folks in LA who want your skillset working for them, so ..
> I spent some time in the US a couple of years ago and don't think it's
> the place for me.  I'm a bit too old and settled here in Ireland to
> consider a move of such magnitude.
>> fwiw, i also live 5 minutes (Walk) away from work, and its fantastic,
> so i respect your loss
> You can't put a price on that. 

Tell me about it. I've got a 10 second walk from every part of my 
house to "the office" :-)



G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
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