+1 for Maschine

Andrew Tarpinian EMAIL HIDDEN
Sat Aug 22 06:57:22 CEST 2009

So I am starting to play around with the arrangement, building a song  
with the scenes. No mute automation! What were they thinking? Yes I  
can work around it I guess but it leaves me just staring at my screen  
contemplating the annoyance. I almost just want to arrange it live and  
record it for the final track. Maybe I'm missing something but I find  
that a bit insane.

On Aug 19, 2009, at 1:46 PM, Matt Picone wrote:

> My experience is a bit different than James'
> Maschine fed my desire to craft, but did so unencumbered. Everything I
> wanted to play with while exploring it was there, was easy, and  
> sounded
> great.
> That said, it's compressor needs work.

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