Programming question of the week ;)

Mikael Hansson EMAIL HIDDEN
Tue Apr 14 23:17:34 CEST 2009

Martin Naef skrev:
> I'm with Marc on that one. Generally, do the setArtist thing while you 
> know what type you're dealing with. You can either do that by keeping 
> separate lists for each subtype, or by having your editing functionality 
> through a type-aware editing system.

Soundds like good ideas, I'll save this in my valuable strategic design 
compartment for when I'm doing a *real* program :)
I actually don't need the functionality I tried to get in order to make 
the application work. I think that one part of really understanding 
programming is to try many things and then get your head around why some 
of them doesn't work and what would be a better choice of design.

Thanks for helping out!


ps. let me know when I get too annoying, it's just that it's great 
getting input from people that actually know what they're talking about

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