Mini "Full Range Lite" Guitar System
Gert van Santen
Mon Apr 6 09:45:29 CEST 2009
Matt Picone schreef:
> Hi all,
> Thought I'd share plans for my new "full range lite" stereo guitar amp
> for the Axe-FX Ultra. I say "lite" because I don't really expect or need
> it to truly be full range, but I think I'll get range and response
> that's quite acceptable for (albeit heavily effected) electric guitar.
> With this rig, I should be able to get from the car to a stage or
> session in three trips.
> FIRST TRIP: I'm working on designing a folding stand from my array of
> leftover Ultimate Support parts.
> SECOND TRIP: Each of 2 the speaker cabs will be light enough to carry in
> 1 hand
> - Cabinet enclosures are from my "retired" Tech21 PE60s (6 lbs.)
> Half open back, there's enough space in these for all cables, any
> pedals, and a small power conditioner. (4 lbs. extra in each cab.).
> They're small enough that I can fit both of them in the back seat of my
> little Saturn and still take in one passenger :-)
> - The drivers are to be Radian 512/2B Coaxial (14 lbs.)
> THIRD TRIP: The power amp is a Carvin DCM-150, (9 lbs.)
> It's in a 3U case (4 lbs) with the Ultra (8 lbs)
> Plus a guitar in the case weighs less than 20 lbs.
> Total cost of the crossgrade/upgrade should be less than $1200, which
> will be very much offset what I'll get for the stuff I'll sell when this
> is done.
> Hoping to have this ready and rolling for an improv gig on 4/21. I'll
> post an update and pics.
Please do!!!! I'm very interested! Please add audio :-)
G e r t v a n S a n t e n
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