Live Suite Dilemma

Peter Korsten EMAIL HIDDEN
Sat Apr 4 13:26:35 CEST 2009

Gert van Santen schreef:

> Just an afterthought. I will get myself an AKAI APC40 for working 
> with Ableton in the studio, as well as live. I am already using 
> most of my other gear to record samples into Live (Jomox,Xbase, 
> Korg MS20, Virus arpeggiator, vocals, guitars, etc, etc...), and 
> then work in Live towards the finished track.

And Paul could conceivably get rid of some gear if he gets the plug-ins.

I was just being mean: whereas Paul wanted us to convince him that he 
really needs those plug-ins, I did exactly the opposite. :)

This APC40 together with Live 8 sounds interesting. The next time we 
have time to meet up at your place (perhaps end of June/beginning of 
July; probably not the short holiday we have the week after Easter), I'd 
like to have a look at it.

- Peter

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