Live Suite Dilemma

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Sat Apr 4 10:31:29 CEST 2009

punkdISCO schreef:

> So, for an extra 150euros you get 750euro worth of stuff.

That is one of the reasons I fell for it. I have seen a couple of 
movies in the past about the sampler for example, and I really 
liked what I saw/heard, and I also played with some of the other 
instruments before. It's all very nicely integrated indeed, and 
it's just very cool that you can make complete productions with 
just 1 piece of software without using any other plugins. BTW, 
the new mastering racks, including a 3 band mastering limiter, 
are very nice. I always thought the compressor was great, plus 
extremely easy to use, and now even mastering has become a piece 
of cake. Just wondering how Ableton mastering will sound compared 
to, say, some of the best Waves or TC electronics or UAD plugs...


G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
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