Freakin Mopho

Andy Tarpinian EMAIL HIDDEN
Fri Sep 26 17:04:32 CEST 2008

Well you are certainly not the target audience :)

I who wants a new synth for $400 that sounds like every other analogue  
monosynth am :)

Yes $400 is pretty much an instant buy, $300'ish is a lock. Once you  
start getting to 500, 600 your brain functions start to kick in.

On Sep 26, 2008, at 7:31 AM, Paul Maddox wrote:

> I actually meant 'musically' they are good.
> Sonically, they are 'ok' but nothing that makes me wanna rush out and
> spend $400.
> So anyway that's the figure to aim for the cost of a new monowave  
> then?
> $400 is an instant buy figure, worth noting.
> Paul
> On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 10:55 AM, M-.-n <nostromo at> wrote:
>> Hehe :)
>>> Sounds like everyother analogue monosynth I've ever heard in the  
>>> world.
>>> Demos are good though.

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