Improve the battery Life of your iPhone

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Thu Sep 18 13:01:01 CEST 2008

Hi all,

I thought some of you might be interested in this.

My iPhone had a battery life of around 24 hours, which I thought 
completely sucked.

I tried deactivating 3G, GPS and PUSH, but that almost made no 
Then I deactivated wifi -  whoaaa!!! This increased battery life 
with at least 400 %!!!  Example: I charged about 36 hours ago, 
and it's still sitting at a comfortable 75 % (normal use; some 
calls, some e-mail, some games, some internet, not switched off 
during the night). This is better than my old phone - where I 
also used to switch off wifi, btw.

So I was wondering; might this huge difference have something to 
do with the fact that I have a new "powerful" internet router 
with a large range...?
Is it possible that this router drains the battery faster than my 
old router?
And since we're on the subject: is it possible that certain gsm 
networks drain the battery faster than others? (I find this 
always happens to me in the UK).

Anyhow; now I only activate 3G/wifi when I nee to, so I don't 
have to listen to that slurping sound of my batttery all day 
long. ;-)


G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
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