Tue Sep 16 14:22:21 CEST 2008

Gorman, Declan wrote:
> I like the idea of never having to buy batteries again and am 
> considering buying a  few packs.

If I were you I would stick to modern, high capacity NiMH (2000+mAH) 
batteries and maybe simply look for a USB charger for these on its own.

The main reasons:

These USB batteries are SHEEIT expensive, about 5x more expensive than 
the highest capacity available NiMH type (2700+ mAH)

It was fiddly to find the info, but these USB cells are only 1300mAH 
which will run out twice as fast as the batteries I mention that cost 
1/5 the price or less. In fact, 1300mAH AA batteries would be 
practically worthless these days and crap for modern digital cameras.

A full charge takes way over 7 hours, yawn...

Much product sold today is geeky (for want of a better word, maybe 
price-hyped is better) on the back of available solutions that already 
work better and are cheap.

Take the iPod, for instance, *cough* hehe, no thanks.

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