
Michael Zacherl EMAIL HIDDEN
Tue Sep 16 08:25:28 CEST 2008

On Sep 16, 2008, at 3:44 AM, Tony Scharf wrote:

> Actually, Joost isnt quite accurrate.  Xen is a competing product to
> VMWare.  Both are 'free' (or at least available in free versions).

yup. But in a bigger context those free VMware products are pretty  

> We use VMWare at work because it has some very good add-on products
> that allow us to move servers around like they are word documents -
> great stuff.

We run a small ESX cluster with load balancing  (DRS) and HA (automatc  
fail over)  at the office.
All the storage is a 5TB NetApp Filer.
Pretty sturdy that thing.
But the virtualised servers aren't (windows/exchange ... blah)

> I havnt had a chance to setup a Xen server, though I have been meaning
> to.  waiting till I can afford a desktop with 16gb of RAM and 3tb of
> space..

For a long time commercial producs like VMware were just better - but  
I think competition (also from other commercial vendors) got much  
stronger meanwhile.

   ;-) m.

> On Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 6:52 PM, Joost Schuttelaar
> <joost at> wrote:
>> On Sep 15, 2008, at 17:43 , Michael Zacherl wrote:
>>>>> I'm really happy with this new Xen based VPS... good
>>>>> stuff.
>>>> could you PLS elaborate?
>> Xen is a virtualization product from VMWare for server  
>> virtualization.
>> It's nice, since it's like a fully dedicated box (even more like real
>> hardware than stuff like OpenVZ).
>> So I basically have my little Ubuntu box somwehere with a screaming
>> fast processor but with only 128MB of RAM and 10GB of disk space :)  
>> by
>> stripping it down quite a bit it's happy to run Mailman (by far the
>> heaviest), Apache2+PHP for the ARingtoneADay site and my personal e-
>> mail (Postfix + Courier).

keep your ears open:

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