I'm so domestic...

James R. Coplin EMAIL HIDDEN
Sun Sep 14 15:33:07 CEST 2008

I'm having the same experience this morning.  I hate the foul taste but I'll
probably do it again.  For me it's more nostalgia than anything.  My
grandfather smoked a pipe and I gave it up while I was in college.  Now that
I'm back at grad school, and it's fall, I decided to let the craving win.
Luckily, while I have a fairly addictive personality, I don't seem to get
strongly hooked on things.  I'm also lazy.  I quit smoking before by getting
rid of my pipe and tobacco.  It was too much hassle to get another one and
more tobacco so I just stopped.  I hate smoking in the heat and I really
hate the cold.  That leaves a couple weeks in the spring and fall as a
window of opportunity.  Pretty easy to keep under control I think.

James R. Coplin

-----Original Message-----
From: music-bar-bounces at lists.music-bar.org
[mailto:music-bar-bounces at lists.music-bar.org] On Behalf Of Gert van Santen
Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2008 3:54 AM
To: Music-bar
Subject: Re: I'm so domestic...

It was nice as long as it lasted. The next day I felt as if I had 
sniffed up a complete city's worth of smog. Took me 2 days and 
quite a bit of extra beer to get rid of the taste and the 
sensation. Not worth doing again. Hehehe... Ugh... ;-)


G e r t  v a n  S a n t e n
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