Aftermarket Development is Awesome

Søren Knudsen EMAIL HIDDEN
Tue Sep 2 09:20:16 CEST 2008

> > i like this one too:
> >
> I'd *LOVE* to know where they got pots with clear shafts, I got a
> sample from Alpha a few years back at MusikMesse ut I've not been able
> to find a supplier.

Why don't you just email them and ask them where they got them?

I wrote to Waldorf 8 years ago asking for knobs/encoders/displays on the Xt
synth (as far as I remember). I actually had them send me 40 encoders and 8
displays for a lot less than what I was able to get elsewhere at the time.
Don't ask me what I used them for (ok... there still sitting in a storage box
somewhere:( )


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