the big 1000

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Mon Sep 1 13:04:09 CEST 2008

Joost Schuttelaar schreef:
> Whoo! My silly ringtones now got more than 1000 subscribers (1145  
> today, yesterday 950). Almost nobody visits the website, received one  
> fan-mail, but hey! Pretty cool :)
> Oh, and number 7 Podcast in NL according to the iTunes store :) yay!  
> Oh and WHOO! Number 55 podcast in US today too! First time I've  
> discovered myself in that list...

BTW, did you know that Kristin and I used one of the ringtones as 
wake up call this holiday? I really didn't understand what 
happened when it went off ;-)



G e r t  v a n  S a n t e n
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