Sun Oct 26 09:39:28 CET 2008

> I have been checking out the website every day for at least 2
> weeks now...

I'd say its going to be released this week, but I have no clue what  
the AppleStore qualifications period is going to be like .. typically  
2 or 3 days, but sometimes up to 2 weeks.  But this app is going to be  
*hot* when its out there, for sure.. definitely ups the ante for music  
apps on iPhone.

> i've been busy making
>> presets for it,
> Oh, no!!! (ducks ;-)

Heh.  Thats it, I'm using that for a patch name!  :)

>> and its simply great.
> Looking forward!

Yeah, I think you'll have a bit of fun with this one man ..

Jay Vaughan

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